Welcome to Vanderbilt Avenue Asset Management

sample image"The firm's origin goes back to Vanderbilt Avenue. When I went to work at 200 Park Avenue, atop Grand Central Station, the crowds could be fairly intense. Everyone wanted to use the same entrances and exits. To avoid the crush, I often slipped around to the western side of the Station to an entrance that was little used by the general run of humanity. It was on a little side street with the distinguished name of "Vanderbilt Avenue." In fact, once in my office on the 20th floor, I could look directly down on this street and appreciate the advantages to be gained when one refuses to be swept along with the crowd and, instead, takes the time to find a path less traveled. Since this roughly approximates the investment theme we take to the marketplace each day, I thought it appropriate to adopt the name that inspired it."

Emad A. Zikry
Chief Executive Officer
About Us

Vanderbilt Avenue Asset Management is 100% owned by our active employees. Everyone from senior management to the administrative staff has an equity stake in the success of Vanderbilt Avenue Asset Management. This means, of course, that all clients work with Principals of our firm, each one of whom has a deeply personal commitment to the success of our clients' investment programs.

Vanderbilt has utilized the same time tested investment process and philosophy since its inception. Our investment process is rigorous and disciplined and has been time tested in many different market environments.

Vanderbilt Avenue Asset Management is a leading independent investment manager that is registered under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940.


EMAD A. ZIKRY, is the Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Vanderbilt Avenue Asset Management LLC. Mr. Zikry was President and CEO of its predecessor firm. Previously, he was Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income and Quantitative Services at Mitchell Hutchins Institutional Investors, Inc.

Emad has had numerous articles published in professional and academic journals such as The Journal of Forecasting, The American Economist and The Journal of Fixed Income. He is a Board member of The National Investment Company. Emad was a member of the Board of Advisors of the Pacific Institute, The Advisory Committee of Fulcrum Global Partners, The Chief Executive Officers Club and formerly a board member of The Foreign Policy Association. He also served on the Board of Directors of the University of Albany Foundation, NextGen Healthcare Inc., The Park Avenue Bank and The New Providence Fund and Associates LP.

Emad is a FINRA Arbitrator. He is also a member of the National Association of Business Economists and The Economic Club of New York.

Emad holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Albany, and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Kansas.

Emad A. Zikry Bio
Vanderbilt Avenue Asset Management

Emad A. Zikry

- Founder & Chief Executive Officer